Quick observation this week, Friends.
I have become convinced that people primarily fall into one of three categories.
They are either a:
Now, to be clear, people can actually personify more than one of these traits at any given time (and if you are able to consistently find yourself in the middle of the Venn diagram, you are a superstar), but I am pretty sure most of us lean toward one particular dominant category more often than not.
Let’s break them down.
Dreamer — this type of person always lives in the world of what is possible. They can look outside of the lines and have a clear vision of what CAN BE (not necessarily what IS NOW). While this type of person challenges conventional thinking, they generally are NOT CONCERNED WITH details on HOW to achieve the vision or executing an plan. The world cannot progress or innovate without dreamers.
Thinker — this type of person finds comfort in data and analysis. They are deliberate and methodical in their actions and want to clearly understand the risks of doing something new or different before operational plans are created. To the thinker, the DETAILS MATTER MOST and take precedence over urgency and vision. The world would be much more chaotic without thinkers.
Doer — this type of person operates with urgency and prioritizes taking action over everything else. They are high energy, sometimes frenetic, in their pursuit to get everything off their “to-do” list. This type of person will appreciate both the vision and details but is willing to cut corners and ignore both in the interest of completing execution of a plan. The world would be less productive without doers.
Think about it, Friends. If you had to do an honest assessment of yourself, where you rank these?
Me? I would say I am a Doer, Dreamer, Thinker in that order.
I have always liked to make things happen and get 💩 done, sometimes at the detriment of first analyzing the details and understanding the vision. I literally have scars that prove this is true.
Here’s the thing: every team or organization needs people that have strengths in all of these categories and appreciates the benefits of each . You cannot be overweighted in just one.
Too many Dreamers? Nothing gets done.
Too many Thinkers? Paralysis by analysis and too much theory.
Too many Doers? Chaos reigns.
Keep on the look out for these types of people in your life. If you find yourself falling into one predominant category, embrace it, but surround yourself with resources that can counter balance that. The more you understand and appreciate what makes people tick, the better the outcomes you will be able to achieve.
In the meantime, also take steps to try to bring yourself to the middle of the Venn diagram as much as possible. If you are a dreamer, maybe take more time to think about details and take steps to execute a plan. Thinkers need to allow their heads to go into the clouds from time to time, consider what is possible and not be afraid to take risks. Doers just need to take a deep breath, slow down, appreciate the vision and consider more details before springing into action.
The beauty of the intersection of the three circles is that is where you can go to find success.
What do you think?
And now a few things to make you smarter…
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